Shine Bright like a DIAMOND...
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own lives we totally disregard the little lessons life is throwing at us. The little gifts that are being given daily. It is hard to sometimes see the good in the bad. To see the light in the darkness.
It's the little moments that make us shine. The little moments are the gifts that show our total beauty and blessing.
I have gained acceptance and appreciation for the little moments in time that I would not have cared one bit about a few years ago.
The little gift of Sawyer smiling while she holds up on all 4's by herself... I never knew that "using your arms" would mean so much to me, so much to her. How I now appreciate this little act so many disregard... Yes the little gifts
Look at how bright she is shining! My beautiful little diamond!
And the protection and love a big brother shows...
How the simple feeling of love can make you feel like you are Shining. The gifts of the inner love any sibling has for the other. But these two have so much more than that. It is like they totally "get" eachother. The fear I once had is lost. How could I fear her protection, when he is by her side. Yes, the little gifts that we take for granted daily.
How the simple feeling of love can make you feel like you are Shining. The gifts of the inner love any sibling has for the other. But these two have so much more than that. It is like they totally "get" eachother. The fear I once had is lost. How could I fear her protection, when he is by her side. Yes, the little gifts that we take for granted daily.
The importance of feeling important.
I love the way his inner instinct is to always be the "superhero". But he needs protection too. I worry that he one day feels pressure for being such the caregiver. I am so scared that one day the way the world really is, will overwhelm him. So judgemental, so cruel, so self-centered. I can only pray that parents will raise their kids to respect others. Because the day someone hurts his sisters heart, his will be broken! These are my 2 precious jewels and I want them to shine!
The one on one time.
We spent a whole day with Cohen at the LSU football game, while Sawyer stayed at home with Noni and Poppa. It was a day we all needed. A day centered around Cohen. He really enjoyed his day, but did question when we were picking up his sister plenty of times. He was able to have us all to himself! I think that was his highlight. I don't think "the game" was as important as "the day!". Yes it was his first LSU game, but that was not the true meaning of the day.

Sawyer requires more assistance than Cohen did at this age. But then, they are two completely different kids in so many different ways, how can I possibly compare them? I can't. She is always trying... striving... wanting... SHINING....
Like the unknown thought she has in this picture. What is she thinking? She has so much personality, so much spunk. I have no doubt she will be a joy in everyones life she touches. Just as Cohen does!
Cohen and Sawyer are rare! They are Special! They are beautiful. They are like diamonds in the sky. So I hope they always "Shine Bright like a Diamond". Make your family and their joys be your "shining diamond moments".
Because these are my diamonds
That is beautiful Brikki! You couldn't have said it any better!